PARENT SESSION: April 24, 7:00 pm
Colleen Teske is the Coordinator of Counselling in Pembina Hills and has spent much time learning about the impact of non-consensual photo sharing on youth. She will be at our school on April 24th at 7:00 pm to hold an open conversation with parents about the realities of raising teens and tweens in the digital age.
Why do our kids love selfies so much? Why are they getting hundreds of Snapchats every day? Why is taking their phone away such a scary threat to them compared to other things? What should I know about how and why they send images to one another? How do I guide their use of a tool they know better than I do? How do I know if my child is in danger online?
Colleen will explore the common apps youth spend much of their time on, why it has become so incredibly additive, and what you can do as the adults in their world to support them and create healthy boundaries for technology use. There will be a specific focus on photo-sharing, but Colleen is willing to shift to the topics concerning you most.