Wednesday, October 4th or Thursday, October 5th (4:00-6:30 pm)
At Goal Setting Interviews parents, along with the student, meet with the teacher to discuss plans for the upcoming year including student goals that are appropriate and reachable. Junior high interviews are held in a group setting with all four core teachers available at the interview.
Please sign up for an interview time using the on-line appointment booking system or by calling the school office at 780-954-3790.
Booking a Goal Setting Appointment – Parent Instructions
Register for an account by clicking the “REGISTER” menu tab and filling in the on-line form. Choose a user id and password for yourself and then click the “Register Now” button.
Add your children into the system by clicking the “Add a Student” button. Click “Insert New” button to add more children.
Click the “date” icon beside each child’s name to schedule appointments.
Select the staff you wish to book appointments with. Use the “Ctrl” or “Command” key to select multiple staff to view at the same time.
Then click the “View Calendars” button.
Click on available time slots to book your appointments to make your bookings.
To Delete Appointments:
Click “View Appointments” from the HOME page.
You will then see the list of appointments that you have booked. To delete any of the appointments, click the red “x” icon beside the appointment.