Our junior high students will all be heading up to Fawcett to take part in the annual Fawcett Soccer Tournament. Students will leave Dapp at 8:30 am and will return to Dapp in time for afternoon bus rides home. If you are taking your son/daughter directly to Fawcett in the morning, please let their homeroom teacher know. Please also confirm if you will be picking them up at the end of the day. (Homeroom teachers are: Gr 7 Mrs. Kaliel, Gr 8 Mr. Ivey, Gr 9 Mrs. Rau). We will also need help running the concession for the day. Please contact the school office if you are able to help (780-954-3790). The funds we raise from the concession help us to pay for bussing and fees for other junior high sports throughout the year (soccer, curling, track and field).