Save the date and plan to join us at our PNCS Open House on Thursday, May 30th from 4:00-6:00 pm.
We will be serving a free Beef On A Bun supper (with sides and dessert). There will be activities for the kids including face-painting, bubble stations, kin-ball games and more. In the gym you will be able to check out our displays of Published Books written and illustrated by our students. We’ll also have Door Prize Draws and a Petting Zoo! To top it off you can also make a stop in the Library and see if there is anything you would like to purchase at the Book Fair. There will be lots to see, lots to eat, lots to do and best of all, lots of friendly people to visit with!
Home / School News / PNCS Open House on May 30, 4:00-6:00 pm