August 18, 2020
We understand that many are concerned about the return to school plan and what it will look like for our students, staff, and parents. We have been working through understanding all of the guidelines and regulations and determining how those apply to our specific school site. The government has said that we will return in Scenario 1, which is “near normal”. I cannot stress enough how much we are working to maintain the normal in our safety plans.
Paws the Panther is back with a quick guide to the main points of our plan that can be accessed here. It also has a link to our detailed plan and Transportation information. Some of the finer details of the re–entry plan won’t be finalized until all of our staff return together to the school on August 31 and September 1. Please be aware that things may change as government decisions are announced. Any updates or changes will be posted on our school website or to our district site,
Our main priority is for our school to be safe and to remain an engaging, positive place for students to learn and grow. Rest assured that all staff will work with students to explain any new procedures and routines that will be in place to keep everyone safe and help things run smoothly.
I am available for any questions or concerns that you may have. Please contact me by email, or on my cell 780.307.5088. Together we will figure this out!
Take care,
Raime Drake