Tuesday, September 29th is Picture Day!
School pictures will take place in the school gymnasium. Our photographer from Smart Photography will be following all appropriate Covid protocols. This year students will not be photographed in one standing pose, not using props (stools or tables) in order to minimize contact sites between students.
Parents of pre-schoolers may bring them for pictures starting at 8:30 am. Please remember to monitor for any symptoms (as per the screening checklist) for both you and your child before entering the school. Parents will need to sign in at the front office and all adults must wear masks while in the school building.
After the preschool pictures are done, our K-9 classes will come down to the gym throughout the morning for their pictures. Students in Gr 4-9 will be required to wear their masks on the way to the gym, removing them for their picture of course.
In order to minimize paper and money moving back and forth between home, school and the photography company, Smart Photography will not be sending proof package back to the school. Rather, once picture proofs are ready for viewing, each child will receive a book-mark sized tag from Smart Photography that shows their on-line photo information. Parents can go on-line, view the pictures, and place their orders directly with Smart Photography.
If you have any questions about the picture process for this year, please call the school office (780-954-3790).