On the morning of Tuesday, April 9thCanadian Country Recording Artist Tiffany Dowhanwill be at our school to bring the “High Heels and Spurs Self-Esteem Program” to our Junior High students. The program’s purpose is to increase confidence, self-esteem and personal growth in teenage girls and boys. Tiffany will be sharing her experience of being bullied as a teen, and through the use of group exercises will give our teens strategies to find ways to make better choices in how they deal with life experiences, how they utilize social media, and how they treat themselves and others. Tiffany will be facilitating the program for our young ladies while her husband, Olympic Athlete Fabia Sylva, will be leading our young men through the program. Many thanks to Donna Ward for entering our school into a contest through which we won this fantastic program for our junior highs for free! We are currently looking into finding sponsorship to be able to expand the program to include our Grade 5 & 6 students.