In February, parents will be invited to participate in the Annual Satisfaction Survey. The link will be provided to take you directly to the survey.
How long will it take?
- We know it takes time to participate in surveys, and time is precious.
- The questions are brief and use rating scales to make them quicker to answer.
- We estimate that it will take 5 to 10 minutes.
Will I be able to comment?
- There are opportunities for you to provide written feedback at the end of the survey.
How do I participate?
- Click or tap the link in the message you receive. It will take you directly to the survey.
- You can respond to the survey using a desktop computer, laptop or mobile device.
Are my responses anonymous?
- Your email address will be collected and connected to your responses.
- Collecting the address eliminates the chance of duplicate responses and enables us to trace issues that might arise in the completion of the survey.
- Comments are reviewed by administration and considered during the planning process.
- No comments are reported publicly.
I have more than one child in this school. Will I get an email like this for each one?
If you have several children in a single school:
- You should just get one message.
- We have tried to minimize duplicates but given the complexity of families, and because we rely on the information that schools have on file, you might get more than one message for this school.
- IF that happens, you only need to respond one time. We apologize in advance for the extra messages.
How do I respond if I have several children in a single school:
- Please respond to the questions while thinking about the overall experiences of your children in that school.
I have children in another school too. Will I get a survey for that school too?
- If you have children in more than one school, you can respond to a survey for each school.
- Each message has a link to the survey connected to that specific school.
- Please respond to the questions while thinking about the children in that specific school.
What if the survey doesn’t have questions related to my concerns?
- If you have comments or wish to discuss something that has not appeared in this survey, please contact your school principal directly.
What if I haven’t been contacted to do the survey?
- If you haven’t received a message by February 3, you can contact Debbie Westman at
What does Pembina Hills do with the surveys?
- Regional office administrative staff, school administrators, teachers and trustees review the survey data.
- Comments are read by administration only. No comments will be shared publicly.
- School data is reported in the school’s education plan.
- The data from all of the schools is combined to create a division summary that will be reported at a public Board meeting. The compiled data is also recorded in the Division Education Plan.